Friday, August 30, 2013

Its her birthday~ share a word of wisdom!

Happy Birthday to my baby girl!

 She is 19 years old today.

 What advice would you share with a 19 year old young lady?
Leave me a comment so that I may share it with her.


  1. Advice:
    You may be an adult but trust me, you haven't finished growing up yet.

  2. Time is relative. Like, waaaaaay more than Einstein even thought. If you find yourself doing something, and it seems like time is flying, take a moment to treasure that experience. If you find yourself doing something, and it seems like time is dragging, take a moment to treasure that experience too. In 20 years both will probably seem like just a blink. Do what you can to be able to remember them, and be proud of the way you lived them.
